Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goodbye, Blue Eyes

I've been away from my little blog for a while, but I felt compelled to post today. I'm sure you've already seen the news that Mr. Paul Newman died today. Obviously I didn't know him personally, but I was very moved to learn of his passing. He seemed such a likeable guy, and he made my favorite spaghetti sauce. :-) Oh, and those eyes!

We have a little piece of Mr. Newman's legacy nearby. Do you know about his Hole in the Wall Gang camps for terminally ill children? He intended for those to be his legacy more than anything else, and he recently designated one in Carnation, WA. I found that interesting because many years ago my mother-in-law found that spot on a map and said "now, doesn't that sound like a nice place to live?"


Robbin said...

HOW bout that? I didn't even know he'd died until I read your blog. He did a lot of good with the money he'd made in his lifetime for sure.

Marge said...

My grandkids tease me because
"grandma, that old man you liked died." Yes, grandma liked that old man. He was a very good actor, a generous man, and you can't name many people in Hollywood or movie land who have stayed married to the same woman for over 50 years! Good bye beautiful man. We'll miss you.

amy said...

Hello, both of you! I had no idea how much good he did until I started reading up on him when I found out he died. It makes me even happier to buy his spaghetti sauce!!!