Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm baaaaack

Hello, everyone! A lot of you know by now that I've had a little trip to the hospital. They finally let me out of there last night. I am feeling much better, and I really appreciate all the prayers and well-wishes.
At the moment, I am stressing out about the fact that I am supposed to be doing a show tonight. See, I had my appendix removed, and things are pretty sore. On top of that, I was actually sick with a pretty bad cold before I ever even developed appendicitis, and that cold is still hanging around! I'm trying to figure out a way to do the show in a wheelchair while attached to a breathing treatment. Do you think it would take away from the story? LOL
On a side note, this day at home has taught me something . . . the preservatives they are injecting into the faces of all the soap stars so that they never EVER age are getting better. I actually think, at this point, it might be embalming fluid. John's eyebrow doesn't even move anymore on Days of Our Lives.
I'll try to be back for more blogging later, but for now it is time for lots of rest! Thank you everyone for your kind words and thoughts.


Chellie said...

okay two questions come to mind.

1) How did they operate if you had a terrible cold?

2) What happens to the show when the leading lady is just out of the hospital?

Okay, there are three...

3) How much longer does your musical run?

amy said...

Hi, Chellie. 1)Fortunately, the congestion was at a minimum before the surgery. The hacking cough is just hanging around now, which is mostly just aggravating. 2) Apparently, my show must go on! We took out a whole song from the first act and changed some things around so that I didn't hurt myself, and I managed to get through it. 3) There are 2 more weekends after this one.

I'm doing nothing but sleeping between shows this weekend! :-)

Chellie said...

Wow, Amy! You are amazing. That BIz is a tough one!