Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Spiral

I'm just traveling along in life, enjoying the sunshine and happiness around me, when suddenly WHAM. I find myself becoming quickly overwhelmed by every little thing around me. Every problem seems just to go just beyond the point that I can just handle it and move on. My actual issues become seemingly insurmountable. One thought piles on top of another until I feel buried beneath them, struggling for air, a kind word, a hug. No, not a hug. I would rather wallow in it, even while knowing I shouldn't. And it's not something I can just snap out of. A hug would feel false. The timing would be all wrong.

I don't understand why this spiral happens to me. I am an incredibly capable, strong, intelligent, and talented person who sometimes can't deal with dirty dishes and a cranky seven year old. The thought of taking the dogs out makes me want to cry. The towels that need to be folded are causing my breathing to get shallow. And these are just the things I can see in the space immediately surrounding me. If I were to even attempt to explain the things happening in my brain, it would be the longest rambling run-on sentence in the world, and you would probably want to have me committed.

I know I'll snap out of it. Sometimes just being aware that it's happening is enough. Sometimes, something very sweet and kind happens to me that brings me back up into the light. Every time, I stop and think about the things I can control, and the blessings that I have. It doesn't always stop the tight feeling in my chest, but it helps my perspective.


Robbin said...

Hey! At least you have Hair! I scared myself this morning when I went to the bathroom.
I love you, lots of stress right now, but take care of yourself and I wish we were together, we'd climb on the couch, rent "Beaches" and cry our little hearts out! And eat chocolate.
AND you can laugh at my bald head even!

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Oh, oh, sounds like pregnancy again!

No, no, I didn't mean it. Just couldn't help myself.

It sounds like stress and worry. I don't know what things weigh on you, but they may be adding up right now. The best thing I could say would be to name the stressors, exercise and eat well, and find the people in your life that are supportive and kind. Stay away from the negative folks, I find they just make it worse.


Marge said...

If it's the wrong time for a hug, then please accept the caring thoughts that are surrounding you today, trying to pull you back into the light.

Wishing you a blessed day filled with sunshine! You will be in my thoughts.

amy said...

Ohhh, I haven't seen Beaches in FOREVER! I did just watch P.S. I Love You finally and cried my eyes out through that whole thing! I thought about you while I was watching it!
I promise I would try not to laugh at your bald head, though. I said try.
Oh, and I've eaten enough chocolate to feed a third-world country. Sheesh.

amy said...

You're so funny, Sunny! Oh, I rhymed! :-) I can assure you that I am most definitely not pregnant, but I am feeling awfully hormonal. Is something up with the moon?
Your advice to find the people in my life who are supportive and kind is right on the money. I'm surrounding myself with them! :-)

amy said...

Oh, Sage, thank you! You sent me sunshine and I enjoyed every minute of it in this beautiful day!