Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thangs, Part 7

I accidentally typed "thangs" instead of "things" in the title of this post. It made me laugh, since that's probably closer to the way I actually pronounce it sometimes, so I left it. :-)

Things I love: Finding yummy things like the dried fruit/nut mixture pictured above to add to my diet and make my body better. This stuff is unbelievable - Kirkland brand (from Costco). It has dried kiwi, pineapple, apples, strawberries, papaya, mango, bananas, raisins, cherries, and probably stuff I'm forgetting, plus nuts! Yum!

Things I do NOT love: Having to add this junk to my diet twice a day. I can tell it's helping my body, but it's not tasty, even with the tart lemon flavor.


Green Moss & Sunny said...

amy, why, oh, why are you eating cod liver oil?????? I thought that had gone the way of coal enemas and blood letting?!


amy said...

Hello, Sunny! The cod liver oil is to boost my "good" cholesterol. It will also help out with this weird-o autoimmune thing I have called Sjogren's Disorder that causes my body to attack its own moisture producers. For example, my skin is horribly dry, my eyes are so dry it is occasionally painful, and my mouth is very very very dry. The oil actually seems to have caused an improvement already. It's actually a pretty common supplement these days, although most folks don't need quite as much as me and can take capsules rather than chugging it! You may be thinking of castor oil, too, as something that has passed by the wayside!