Sunday, April 27, 2008

Can't Stop Yawning Today

I am so tired. I didn't get home until 11:30 from last night's performance, and I didn't get much sleep at all the night before that. I still can't believe the toll my nerves are taking on my body. They were calmer last night than opening night, so I'm hoping things will greatly improve when opening weekend is over!

I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, though. I'm exhausted, but I'm having so much fun, even considering the tumble I took on stage last night! Yes, I fell. But let me tell you - it had to have been the greatest recovery in the history of theatre. Justin and I were singing the reprise of "There Once Was a Man". It's a fast song, and at the end, we dance around in a circle, and I basically balance my hip on his hip (facing each other), and he dips me completely upside down and my legs go straight up in the air. Well . . . when he brought me back up from the dip, my feet never got any traction at all. I tried to plant them, and my legs just came right out from under me. He tried to catch me, and ended up falling over my legs just a little. BUT, we hopped right up, never stopped singing, and went right into the final spin, then he slung me over his shoulder and carried me offstage and the audience ate it up. I thought my finger was broken for just a few seconds, but it turns out I just jammed it. It brought new meaning to "the show must go on!"

Needless to say, I'm switching to slightly less slippery shoes for tonight's performance, lol.


Katie and Bethany Lynn said...

I dug up my blog from my trip to Europe JUST so I could comment on your page. I even wrote a little somethin for ya. I adore you and hope you have a marvelous week. Thank Matt and Haleigh again for the flowers! Opening weekend is done!! Yippeee!

amy said...

Hi, Katie!!! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, and for the nice things you said on yours. You might just be the most fabulous person I know. :-)