Wednesday, April 30, 2008


My husband left yesterday (in the wee hours of the morning) to be with his mom in Georgia as she recuperates. I miss him. :-(

I've been blessed for almost a year now to get to stay home with our daughter. What this also means is that I actually get to hang out with my husband now, too, and I've had a chance to rediscover what a cool guy he is, and why the heck I married him in the first place. He is off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and we've developed a little bit of a routine. We usually have lunch together one of those days (love that soup/salad/breadsticks deal at Olive Garden!), and we ALWAYS go for a bike ride on one of those days. We almost always squeeze in a trip to Lowes or Home Depot, too. Or both. We should have our own parking spaces there.

But, I digress.

I really miss our bike rides. I don't know when it happened, but some time during one of the last few trips, I stopped being scared to death and the trails started to get really fun. I can almost keep up with him, and I actually look forward to giant mud puddles (I really, really love the mud puddles), squeezing between two trees, a nervous tummy when I have to negotiate a tight turn at the bottom of a little hill, and surviving the inevitable crashes. I figured out that I'm not supposed to feel in control of the bike at all times . . . sometimes you have to just let go and hang on for the ride . . . and keep pedaling! No matter what, keep pedaling!

I actually like riding so much now that it's affecting how I plan vacations. Our tenth anniversary is coming up this year, and I want to go to Missoula. It's beautiful, I'd like to try some fly-fishing, and they have FABULOUS biking trails! In fact, there is a trail system within the city so you can get wherever you need on your bike!

Mostly, though, I just miss my hubby. I miss hanging out with him in the woods. I'm ready for a bike ride.

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