Friday, April 25, 2008

Nerves of Steel

Yeah, right.

Opening night has arrived. In a few hours I'll be teasing my hot-rolled hair and getting into costume while running through last minute details for the show. My brain has been rendered completely useless. I have zero concentration and I long for something to settle my stomach.

What if I forget a line?
What if my daughter gasps so loudly (or. . . heaven forbid ... says "ewwww") when I kiss the leading man on stage that I lose my concentration and get out of character?
What if my husband does that? LOL
What if I have a wardrobe malfunction?
What if my voice cracks?
What if I get dropped on my head?
What if I trip walking across the stage?

As you can see, I need to chill out. If I could trust myself to do this and still remember my lines and entrances, I would have some yummy wine. A lot of it.

I suppose I will just look forward to drinking after the show. Opening night is sooooo nerve-wracking. I'll be glad when it's over . . . but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Chellie said...

That's a good kind of nervous! I can't wai to hear how it goes. Be sure and post as soon as you can to let us know!!

Have a great evening~~ :)

amy said...

Thanks, Chellie! It was fun! I've posted a few links so you can see a little more about it. :)