Monday, April 21, 2008

Ten very random thoughts

But it has been a random kind of day. :-)

1. It is funny to me that so many people arrive on my blog because they have googled "humphead parrot fish". I wonder if they are watching the same National Geographic show that I watched. I can understand their fascination . . . have you seen them? You can observe one in all his (or her) beauty here.

2. I like my little live traffic banner. It's interesting to see where people come from, and how they land on my little blog, but it still gives them anonymity.

3. Speaking of visitors, I had one recently from Valdosta, Georgia! That is the neighboring town to my hometown of Quitman, and the city in which I graduated from highschool. I wonder if it was anyone I know?

4. I had to put gas in my car today. I can no longer fill up my car in one visit if I have less than an eighth of a tank - gas has gotten too expensive. The machine actually stops dispensing gas when you hit $75. I almost wept when I hit $75 and my tank was still not full. Such a sad state of affairs.

5. I was driving home today and I saw my husband at work. He was at a house to arrest a man that we affectionately call "crazy machete guy". It occurred to me that my husband is a big, imposing, slightly intimidating guy in uniform. I couldn't look away. It was as if I observed a parallel universe. The image before me just didn't mesh with the guy I snuggle with at night.

6. I might like coffee a little bit too much.

7. My nerves (about opening night THIS FRIDAY) are already affecting me. I think I need a massage.

8. I don't see how people function daily with long fingernails. I had acrylic nails put on for the show, and I want to gnaw them off at least 27 times a day. I do like the bright tomato red color, though. It makes me feel fiesty.

9. There's a giant Marmaduke-type puppy (Great Dane? mastiff?) bounding across the park. I'm watching him out the window and wondering how he can move so quickly and elegantly while being so enormous. It's kind of like that big tall athlete guy on "Dancing With the Stars."

And finally . . .

10. I wonder how many brain farts they had while figuring this one out.

And how has YOUR day been?

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