Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crazy man, crazy

If the title sounds familiar to you, you must be a fan of The Aristocats! This child, my beautiful and talented little girl, just finished her first play. She was "Mad Cat", one of the alley cats in the play. Although she dances in her own little world sometimes, she did a great job. I think she loved finding a home on the stage where it is perfectly acceptable to burst into random song and dance. :-)
These pictures are all from rehearsals, so the costumes are still coming together. I have to tell you, they turned out adorable. There were dogs, geese, lots of cats, and even a mouse! Here's Haleigh with her alley cat gang.
She is so proud of the fact she can do splits. I think she would have done them in every scene if they had let her. She LOVED the dancing.
All the kids did a fabulous job. There are not many things cuter than a bunch of kids with animal ears dancing and singing on stage.
All in all, it was a lot of fun, and the kids might have learned a teeny bit about theatre, as well. My kid was bitten by the theatre bug, for sure. I think she might be a little bit like her mama after all. :-)


Robbin said...

I'm missin' everything!
She's so cute, I want to be there!

Chellie said...

That first picture is so great (as are the rest). She's taking after her mom, that's for sure! :)

Tammy Brierly said...

I don't think this will be her last production. You must be bursting with pride and how great that you gave her a taste of theatre. DNA is a powerful, wonderful thing!

Splits? I'm impressed!

amy said...

Well, get here, woman! :-)

amy said...

Oh, and Ms. Robbin, we're getting a DVD of the performance, so you won't completely miss it. :-)

amy said...

Thanks, Chellie! She is a drama queen, for sure.

amy said...

Tammy, I think you are right that this won't be the last. I have tried very hard not to subconsciously push it on her, but she seemed to have fallen in love with it all on her own.
No kidding about those splits . . . it makes me hurt just to watch her do it!