Monday, September 3, 2007

The GOOD part

My friends live in a little town called Orting, in the Mt. Rainier valley area. In fact, you can learn all about it on one of those "Seconds from Disaster" shows that come on the weather channel, because they are in the direct path of a lahar if Mt. Rainier ever decided to become active and erupt. You can learn more about them here. Yes, that's a scary thought, but when you see the beauty you can understand why nobody's too afraid of the dormant volcano to live there.

One of my friends has a house on a secluded little piece of land that's back border is a salmon stream. It is breathtaking. It is also paradise for rock lovers like me. :-) The water is crystal clear and we could see large groups of salmon hanging out in the water last night. This is a mountain stream fed by melting snow, so it is coooooold. I braved the temperatures, though, and waded out about waist deep. I couldn't resist the rocks! I managed to stand very very still, and a little salmon came and visited by my leg for just a moment. I stood there admiring the view, and wondered who else had stood in that water watching the salmon. I thought about the Native Americans that made their homes along this river valley, whose descendents still live in the area. I wondered what secrets those rocks knew, buried with them under the running water.

One day I would like to have a house with a salmon stream, or any kind of stream really, running behind it. I would do like my friend and hang a little hammock in a perfect spot by the water, and that's probably where you'd find me most of the time, when I wasn't searching for the perfect rock!

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