Monday, June 23, 2008

Is it really stealing

if you know they won't mind? I have a new look for my blog. It needed a little updating, and I shamelessly stole a picture from my mother-in-law's blog. :-) It is of some of the daylilies in my grandmother-in-law's yard, which I happen to love. I changed the colors around a little to complement the picture, and I started having a "deja vu" feeling, as if I had seen these colors before and there was nostalgia there!

After a few minutes of staring at the page, it finally came to me . . . my first bikini! It was a very modest thing (as was I), and it was color-blocked with the green and purple from my page. I LOVED that swimsuit, because it made me feel sooooo grown-up. It marked the first time that I was allowed to get a two-piece and I was so proud!

Now that I have a daughter of my own (who is 7, going on 16) I am trying very hard to remember my perceptions of things as a child. I forget sometimes how much I wanted to grow up! I thought that if I could just become an adult I could do whatever I wanted whenever I felt like it! If only it were that easy, right? I understand now why my mom always said "oh, Amy, enjoy being a kid! You'll grow up before you know it and you'll miss this freedom!" Freedom! That's exactly what I thought I lacked!

That bikini was important to me. It was a symbolic thing that I thought would bring me closer to being "grown up". My mama recognized that, and helped me select something that was still age-appropriate but helped me fulfill that need. For my little girl, it's things like being allowed occasionally to wear a little lip gloss or the "dangly" earrings out of the house that help her assert some independence and feel grown up while remaining a child.

I remember being on the other side of this battle, so I know it will feel eternal as my child longs to grow up and I long for her to stay young and innocent and care-free. I hope I can find the wisdom my mama had!


Robbin said...

What's mine is yours! It looks beautful too, I love it.
(BTW, "SOME" people thinks she looks 14, you know.)

amy said...

Lord help us all if she really starts thinking she looks 14. LOL, she sure does try!
I'm glad you like the new look, and thank you for the picture! :-)