Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weeds and wildlife

We've been clearing out our backyard today, which is COMPLETELY covered in weeds, and debris from the pine trees. This wheelbarrow full is just the beginning.


Haleigh was "helping" until she started finding rolypolies. You might know them as pill bugs or sow bugs (although sow bugs are actually a different thing altogether). As one particular rolypoly was crawling around on her shirt, causing her to collapse into fits of giggles she started thinking out loud about him. I was still slaving away at the weeds but I couldn't help but overhear "this one must be a girl, because she sure likes my nail polish. Look at all the parts. Those legs tickle. Man, that's a lot of legs. Hey, mom, how many legs does a rolypoly have anyway?"

Well, I didn't know. So now that we're inside for lunch I thought I better take the chance to look it up. They have fourteen legs . . . . and they're not insects! They are crustaceans, like crabs and lobsters! Who knew?


Robbin said...

Well, now you and Haleigh and I know. I bet me and you forget, but she never will.
Hope you had a nice day,
Love ya!

amy said...

You are probably right about that! She's like an elephant, she never forgets!