Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh, what a beautiful mornin'


Oh, what a beautiful day! This was the setting for a picnic lunch with my daughter yesterday. It was the official first day of her summer vacation, so we celebrated "no school"! We got up and made cupcakes (then took them to my office for everyone else to eat because I have no willpower). We went to a local state park and enjoyed Haleigh's favorite Subway sandwiches.

We've been having extremely low tides around here for a few weeks, and yesterday was no exception with a -2 tide level, so we headed down to the beach to see what we could find.

One of the first things she came across was this jointed oyster shell that looked eerily like a whale. She proceeded to carry on an entire conversation with it. :-)

Neither of us could get over the giant patches of bright green shiny seaweed.

Just as I started to take this picture, she noticed something and was turning to tell me about it. You can see by her expression she was pretty amazed by it, and if you look out in front of her you might spot the bright splash of color that caught her attention.

Here's a close-up of what she found. She says it's a mama and her baby.


She found this giant purple thing wrapped around a rock. She loves purple.


After we finished turning over rocks and chasing all the crabs we could find, we climbed back up to the picnic area, and Haleigh found the perfect ending for her day.


I'm so glad summer is here. :-)


Chellie said...

Wow. You live in a beautiful area!

When does Haleigh have to go back to school? We've been out so long that I have to return to work in about 5 weeks!

Robbin said...

I needed to be there for that for sure. I can't wait.
Oh and thanks for the earworm. I read this post earlier and I've been singing that song ever since!

amy said...

Hi, Chellie! Haleigh doesn't start until right after Labor Day! Our weather doesn't get warm really until practically the 4th of July, so it works out very well. And you are right . . . it is beautiful out here and I love it. Have you ever been to this part of the country?

amy said...

Ms. Robbin, I'm so sorry I got that song stuck in your head! At least it's a good one! It was a lovely picnic, for sure, and it's not very far from our house. We will go back when you get here!