Monday, August 6, 2007


A friend of mine once said to do something every day, no matter how small, that gets you out of your comfort zone.

Today, I staged a battle with the overwhelming population of spiders in my backyard. (Note to bug enthusiasts - stop reading now, this will get ugly). I've never really done yard work, but I'm determined to get my backyard (and that of my neighbor's) cleaned up in time to enjoy the beautiful deck my husband built before this summer is over and the rains start all over again. This might not sound so bad, but you haven't seen these yards! Where I grew up in south Georgia, blackberries grew on the side of the road in small patches. Here in the northwest, they can cover pine trees, bury houses, and small children and family pets have probably disappeared in them never to be seen again. Naturally, they create a sanctuary for all types of bugs and therefore attract (insert scary music) spiders! Tons of them! I can't venture into my backyard without walking into them. AND, did I mention I have an abnormal fear of these eight-legged spawns of satan? I decided to "treat" my yard before trying to clean it up, or it would take more Xanax than my doctor will prescribe to get me back out in that yard.

Sooooo, I found a nifty little bottle of bug killer at my local home improvement store that I just attached to my water hose and fired away. I think I must have angered the spider beasts, because as I finished spraying and turned back around to walk back between the houses toward the faucet, I suddenly faced a maze of spider webs . . . . with spiders on them. What did I do? I beat a hasty retreat, dropped my weapon, ran into the house and appealed to my husband to please go out and turn the water off because the demons were after me. Thankfully, he didn't give me too hard of a time.


Robbin said...

Poor little spiders. (Just kidding). It would be nice to have your back yard where you can enjoy it. It's a nice little backyard. I like it!

amy said...

Well, come on then! I'll have it ready for you to enjoy soon!