Thursday, August 9, 2007


This is my dad and me. Recently I had the opportunity to take my daughter on a cross-country drive (more about that in a later post) for an extended visit with our family in Georgia. Part of it was a soul-searching trip to see if I really wanted to move back there. I ended up realizing that I'm just an official transplant now - I couldn't imagine leaving this beautiful area. I've grown accustomed to the northwest, and the only thing I really miss about Georgia is my family. Yes, it has its good points, but it's just not home any more. Plus, it is HOT there! Temps are in the triple digits, and that's not the heat index! Add the humidity and it goes beyond miserable. So, I think I'll just hang out here where it hasn't gotten over 75 degrees all week. I'll just have to make a lot of trips because I still do miss my family! I don't know why I had to go and fall in love with a place that's on the opposite side of the country from them!

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