Sunday, August 5, 2007

My epiphany

For quite a while in my life now, I've felt topsy-turvy. I've wanted so badly for things to start "falling into place". I've wanted to make a firm decision about a college major with no second thoughts. I've wanted my house to be finished! I've wanted to know, with absolute certainty, where I'll be and what I'll be doing in five years. I've just wanted concrete stability, and the lack of this made me feel like I was in a whirlwind.

Well, I've had an epiphany. In order to have concrete stability and absolute certainty, one must be standing completely still. Who wants that? If I ceased wondering what was coming next, I would be dead. I read a fabulous quote recently, although I can't remember who said it, and it goes like this: He who rejects change is an architect of decay. I'm not quite ready for decay, so I'll embrace my uncertainty with a new vigor. I'll be glad that I have options! Now, I realize that there are benefits to persistence and staying the course, but there is no rule that says I can't change my mind and head a different direction.

So, welcome to my blog! There's no telling what might happen here!


Robbin said...

Well, welcome to blogging. We'll just be a blogging family.

amy said...

Thanks! It is a little contagious.